Fall Prevention Day

As Fall arrives, so does Fall Prevention Day.  Celebrated this year on Wednesday, September 23, Fall Prevention Day highlights the importance of fitness and exercise in maintaining a sense of balance and preventing falls.  Losing your balance and falling can lead to bruising and even broken bones.  Local organizations like OASIS offer classes in balance that are proven to reduce the risk of falling.  Join OASIS for a free event from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Kirkwood Community Center, and learn about how to reduce your risk of falling.  Click here for more information.

Books the St. Louis Public Library has on this important subject:
  • Falls in older people: prevention & management by Rein Tideiksaar
  • How to avoid falling: a guide for active aging and independence by Eric Fredrikson
And because abdominal strength can help with balance (as anyone who's ever taken a yoga class can tell you):
  • Core strength for 50+: a customized program for safely toning ab, back & oblique muscles by Karl Knopf
SLPL also has a selection of DVDs, including
  • Stronger seniors core fitness with Anne Pringle Burnell.
  • The Chair fitness series from Fit As A Fiddle

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